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Flawless Hair Restoration Clinic logo, Melbourne

Revision Hair Transplants

Although hair transplants have a high rate of patient satisfaction, some people may want to make changes to improve the result of their initial procedure. Each procedure is carefully customised to the needs of each individual patient. A revision procedure often begins by removing hair follicles that may be in an unfavourable position or growing in an unnatural direction. 



The Benefits

A number of benefits can be achieved with a revision hair transplant. It can address the placement, volume, and direction of hair follicle growth to either enhance results or correct issues from your past procedure. Depending on your goals and reasons for undergoing the procedure, revision hair transplants can offer the following benefits:



      Removal of bald hair follicles from the past procedure


      Placing new hair follicle grafts to achieve the desired aesthetic corrections


      Camouflaging bald or thinning areas


      Changing general hair density and distribution


      Altering the position or angle of the hairline

      Revision Hair Transplant

      Although hair transplants have a high rate of patient satisfaction, some people may want to make changes to improve the result of their initial procedure. A variety of factors can contribute to the necessity of a revision. Whether you are looking to enhance your results or correct a complication from a past transplantation surgery, revision hair transplants can help you achieve the outcome you desire.

      A revision hair transplant, also called a corrective transplant, aims to correct and improve results from a previous hair grafting procedure. Not everyone will need a revision procedure, and each patient will require a slightly different approach. Our experienced doctors will aim to develop the right approach for you, using state-of-the-art methods and technologies to achieve excellent revision results. This procedure can significantly improve patients’ confidence in their hair volume and overall appearance.


      How it works

      Each procedure is carefully customised to the needs of each individual patient. A revision procedure often begins by removing hair follicles that may be in an unfavourable position or growing in an unnatural direction. The follicles will be removed with a specially designed follicular unit extraction (FUE) device, which surgically removes the hairs one by one. The device makes minute incisions around each follicular unit to uproot them individually and ensure the utmost precision. Using this method, additional grafts can be extracted and moved from the donor area, as well as previously placed grafts.

      Once the required follicles have been collected, they can be carefully re-implanted to ensure the hairs grow in a natural way, in line with your hair restoration goals.



        Hair Transplants in Melbourne

        Hair transplants are a method of hair restoration that takes hairs from one area of the scalp and moves them to another. For patients experiencing hair loss, it is common for the hair to be thicker on the back and sides of the head. This makes these ideal areas for harvesting healthy units of hair for transplantation. There are multiple ways to extract hair follicles from their original location (also called the donor area), which have undergone decades of development and refinement.



          Personalised Approach

          At Flawless Hair Restoration, we offer a personalised, patient-focused treatment approach. Explore your rejuvenation options with an obligation-free consultation, valued at $150, which is fully redeemable if you proceed with treatment. At your consult, we will:

          Establish your concerns

          And what you hope to achieve

          Provide customised advice

          From trained experts

          Deliver a unique treatment plan,

          Tailored to you and your body

          Highly qualified Doctors

          The treatment is administered by our highly qualified doctors and nurses 


          Reasons for Revision Hair Transplants

          There are many reasons why a patient would seek a revision of their hair transplant, whether to make subtle improvements or to rectify more serious concerns. For example, if your hair balding or thinning has progressed since your last procedure, you may wish to transplant more hair from the back of the head. In other cases, revisions may be needed to correct issues or complications caused by the previous grafting procedure, such as the amount or placement of transplanted hair or the techniques used.

          Revision hair transplants are often sought to address the following issues:

          • Failure of the transplanted hair to grow
          • Balding has progressed since the initial procedure
          • Results from the first procedure look unnatural
          • Your initial procedure was done many years ago using now-outdated methods
          • Your initial procedure was performed by an inexperienced clinic
          • You wish to increase the amount of hair transplantation
          • You are otherwise unhappy with the result of their previous procedure
          Things to consider

          Due to the time it takes for hair to grow, the results of a hair transplant will usually take many months to become fully discernible. This means revisions are typically only performed on patients who are experiencing significant issues or have waited at least one or two years after their first procedure.

          Your experience will likely be similar to your initial hair transplant procedure. You will need to carefully follow aftercare instructions to help your newly grafted follicles settle into their new location. Some swelling and redness may linger for a few days after the procedure, but this is a normal part of the healing process.

          What does a revision hair transplant achieve?

          Revision procedures can improve hair grafting results in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the patient. They can correct complications, camouflage new balding spots, increase the number of grafts, or change the position of the hairline.

            Ideal candidates

            Every revision procedure is different, as they are tailored to the condition and goals of each patient. A consultation with our trained staff will facilitate an evaluation of your hair loss and ensure the correct approach is taken to rectify issues. If your previously grafted hairs failed to grow or grew in an unfavourable direction, the reasons for this can be assessed. On the other hand, if you are happy with your previous results but wish to increase the volume of grafted hairs, this can also be discussed to help achieve an outcome closer to your goals.

            As a hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure, success is in the eye of the patient. For this reason, the consultation will aim to develop strategies to achieve your desired outcome and help manage your expectations.

            What does a revision hair transplant achieve?

            Revision procedures can improve hair grafting results in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the patient. They can correct complications, camouflage new balding spots, increase the number of grafts, or change the position of the hairline.

            Will I need more than one revision?

            The number of revisions required is different for every patient. Hair loss often progresses with age, which means more revisions may be desired as new balding areas appear.








            How long do I need to wait after the initial transplant?

            Hair takes time to grow, and patients will normally not see the results of their hair transplants until at least four months afterwards. This means it is usually recommended to wait at least 12-18 months before planning a revision procedure.








            What method is used?

            Our clinic uses scientifically proven FUE techniques to help you achieve fantastic hair restoration results. This involves uprooting hair follicles individually from the scalp and implanting healthy hairs into balding or thinning areas.